A Brief Look At The Levels of Involvement An Owner Can Take Within Their Business There are many types of businesses, so it would make sense that there are also different types of business ownership. As the buyer of a business it is important to consider the type of business owner you would like to be to ensure that you choose a business accordingly. In the following discussion, we will outline the three main types of ownership so that you can make an informed decision about purchasing a … [Read more...]
Why Rent When You Can Own Your Job & Your Future?
As Coloradans, we are all too familiar with the insanity that can be renting a home or an apartment. Renters pay a premium to live in almost every area of Colorado, and along with those premiums, is a less than premium lifestyle. Often times renters find themselves dealing with absentee landlords, maintenance issues that lay in wait for months, crumbling infrastructure and slow Internet! So when given a choice between renting and buying, why is it that so many professionals are okay with … [Read more...]
Can I Buy a Business With No Collateral
At first glance the idea of buying a business with no collateral may seem impossible, but in reality it can be done. Let's examine your options. When it comes to achieving this goal, your greatest assets are an open mind and a commitment to hanging in there despite the odds. The Small Business Association's 7 (a) Program is Your Friend One possible avenue for buying a business with zero collateral is to opt for the SBA's 7 (a) program, which works to incentivize the bank to make a loan to a … [Read more...]
Should You Become a Business Owner?
While being a business owner may in the end not be for everyone, there is no denying the great rewards that come to business owners. So should you buy a business of your own? Let's take a moment and outline the diverse benefits of owning a business and help you decide whether or not this path is right for you. Do You Want More Control? A key reason that so many business savvy people opt for owning a business is that it offers a high level of control. In particular, business owners are in … [Read more...]
Three Overlooked Areas to Investigate Before Buying
Before you jump in and buy any business, you'll want to do your due diligence. Buying a business is no time to make assumptions or simply wing it. The only prudent course is to carefully investigate any business before buying, as the consequences of not doing so can in fact be rather dire. Let's take a quick look at the three top overlooked areas to investigate before signing on the dotted line and buying a business. 1. Retirement Plans Many buyers forget all about retirement plans when … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Buyers of International Businesses
The decision to buy an international business is no doubt quite serious. There are numerous factors that must be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not an international business purchase is the right move. Let's take a closer look. Tip #1 – Relocating Vs. Hiring a Manager Buying an international business can also mean a substantial life change. Before jumping into the process, it is critical that you know whether you will be relocating or hiring a manager to run your newly … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Buying a Business is Preferable to Starting a New One
If you are considering running your own business, one of the first questions that might pop in your mind is: should I start a new one or buy an established business. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the age-old dilemma of buying an existing business verses starting a new one from scratch. 1. An Established Concept The benefits of buying an established business are no doubt huge. At the top of the list is that an existing business will have an established concept. Starting a business … [Read more...]
A Buyer’s Quandary
Statistics reveal that out of about 15 would-be business buyers, only one will actually buy a business. It is important that potential sellers be knowledgeable on what buyers go through to actually become business owners. This is especially true for those who have started their own business or have forgotten what they went thorough prior to buying their business. If a prospective business buyer is employed, he or she has to make the decision to leave that job and go into business for and by … [Read more...]